
Award & Recognition Application Forms

This page has the Forms and Applications for Club, District and International Awards and Recognitions. This includes Proud Lion Award, Proud Sponsor Award, LEO Club Excellence Award, Lions/Lioness Secretary Excellence Award, International Club Excellence Award, Lions/Lioness Club Excellence Award, Lion Dan Walter Memorial Award, Ralph Taylor Award, Zone Chairperson Excellence Award, Lions of Pennsylvania Foundation Fellowship, PIP Joseph Wroblewski Award and Melvin Jones Fellowship.

Club/ District Resources

This page has many of the resource needed by the District and it’s Clubs. These include International & District 14-D Constitution/By-Laws/Policies, District 14-D Directory, Region/Zone/Club Officer Manuals, Cabinet Reporting Forms

Misc Resources

This page has Misc items to help and guide clubs. These include A Club Officer Installation, New Member Induction Ceremonies, A Lions License Plate Application, State Pin Order Form and Beacon Lodge Camp Resources.

Membership Resources

This section has many resources to help with club membership. These include membership brochures and publications, induction ceremonies, retention guide and orientation manuals.

Guiding Lions Resources

These resouces contain the material you need to become a Guiding Lion. This includes a Certified Guiding Lion Course and Review Manual, Charter Night Planning Guide along with a Guide to Club Project Development

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